Meaning “Free from disease” in Sanskrit, is a natural-based supplement brand focused on recalibrating the gut. This family-formed brand is inspired by eastern philosophy and the story of founder, Sanjiv Devraj. In 2003, Sanjiv was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and it changed his life forever. Day-day activities were interrupted with restroom breaks and hospital visits. His gut was under attack, and the prescribed medicine was only making it worse. Trained as a biologist, he explored the ancient healing properties of turmeric and experienced a quick recovery. A victory that showcases the power of taking control of your health and human potential.
This story conjured the beginning of anamiva. It allowed their team to introduce a line of products that enhance the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual areas of the body and mind. The direct to consumer brand connected with Asoko to design a visual identity system & packaging that evoked empathy, movement, and super powers.

Client: Anamiva
Services: Identity Design & Packaging

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